Bernal Burrow,  teacher

Bernal Burrow

Bernal Burrow

local_activity classes and kits: FloristryTerrarium

4.3 (3)

I want to share my skills as an artist for people to create beautiful preserved moss art. Bringing nature into spaces where plants don't usually thrive or someone who doesn't have the greenest thumb.

Classes and kits



Jing Grossman Jan 2023

2 ClassBento workshops attended • 2 reviews

Team members felt that the class was cut short and rushed. Would be better if the instructor taught the class in a moderate speed and allow people to ask questions.

Teacher's response

Hi Jing, thank you for leaving a review and providing that feedback. I told participants to go at their own pace and to turn on some music as I like to conduct a laid back learning experience so I'm surprised to hear that some found it to be rushed. I checked in with everyone halfway through and everyone gave me a thumbs up as well. There were some bouts of silence during the instruction and no questions were asked so the assumption was that everyone was good. Additionally, I offered to stay on longer so that everyone could finish. I'm happy to listen to any specific details on what felt rushed so feel free to contact me directly. Kindly, Amy

Aisha Neil Jan 2023

My experience was fun and very informative. I learned about global and local plants history and it’s contributes to cultures. I’m looking forward in attending more classes.

Vicki Ly May 2022

Our team really enjoyed the event! Amy shared some super interesting facts about the moss; kits had the perfect amount of preserved moss and glue to cover the area. Great for folks of all artistic ability, as it looks great no matter how you assemble it!

Make Preserved Moss Art review by Vicki Ly
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